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Saturday 7 February 2009

Disaster strikes, and slight recovery

Yesterday at around 11pm, the power in my house flashed, the xbox, laptop and pc all shut down after a sudden freeze when it happened. This turned out to be more serious when i found out that i had lost a lot of saved information on my 360 hard drive due to the power flash.

And the reason for this? I had forgot to plug my 360 into a surge protected plug unit, it has been sitting in a non protected one by acciddent. Thankfully only the too human save and the Just cause save were the ones im really going to miss (6 months of work).

On a more positive note, i completed rock band solo career on the medium difficulty today, also unlocking easy with it. Civilization Revolution also got a good play today with me unlocking about 200 points thanks to x360a website guides.

Friday 6 February 2009

20k, Now so close......

The Milestone of 20,000 points is fast approaching, with my current score as of typing this standing at 19,115. Im really excited about hitting this as Civilization revolution and Viking should help me reach it with ease. I have been playing viking non stop since yesterday on the normal difficulty setting and flown through it.

As for Civilization Revolution, it seems really easy and i used to play games like this on the pc years ago, so i picked up the gory details pretty fast.

Must go got 20k to reach and hopefully by tonight :D

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Snow Chaos...

Some of the worst snow for 18 years fell over the last 2 days, but i still managed to get a few achievements finished. Most notably, were those in gears 2, which are seriously annoying as so many ppl seem to cheat on the multilayer.

Another Bonus Yesterday was that in Guitar Hero World Tour with 3 major achievements unlocked including achieving 444,444 on 2 different songs in a multi player band and achieving a 50 note streak as a band.

Hellboy TSoE is also coming along nicely with a few more levels and hidden artifacts completed.

Off to play in the snow again lol