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Wednesday 14 January 2009

200 Points @fter 11 hours of Gaming

Quite an interesting 11 hours of gaming today, started off with Dead Rising, but quickly got pissed off with it after only unlocking 1 achievement in 2 hours. Decided to move onto Call of Juarez and, omg thats a great game and very easy achievements too.

After playing that for a while, my friend and fellow co-op gamer from next door came round and we decided to finish off the gears 2, Seriously 2.0 achievement (Just farm the Brumak Level In Campaign for 5 hours) and also got 1999 achievement (This is easily got playing offline multi-player so you don't have to deal with idiots who spam kill in XBL) it just takes a month to get. We played Gears for the majority of the day, i think 8 hours.

Finally I managed to get a few more Left 4 Dead achievements in Versus Mode (MostL4D achieves can be done in Versus, and it makes it easier if more players are human than computer.

Tomorrow i will try and get Call of Juarez finished while playing live on the webcam and hopefully, buy the new XBLA game "A Kingdom for Keflings". LoL it looks good!

Tuesday 13 January 2009

A bit of a "Dead" Day...

Decided to rent out a couple of games today instead of playing Guitar hero world tour. I picked up "Dead Rising" and "Call of Juarez". Have not yet played on the latter, however dead rising was quite interesting if all be it, somewhat annoying with the saving feature implemented within the game.

I unlocked several achievements on Dead Rising including the 1,000 zombie kill achievement.

I will be trying out Call of Juarez tomorrow before returning to some Kane and Lynch co-op stuff on Thursday. Quite an interesting week this is going to be!

Monday 12 January 2009

Giutar Hero World Tour Roll....

Blasted through some more World Tour achievements today, got at least 5 finished including finishing a solo career and completed the Easy Difficulty. Need to get Drums and Mic to progress further on this i think.

Hopefully tomorrow I will move closer to 1 or 2 Fable 2 achievements and continue my star wars force unleashed progress.

Sunday 11 January 2009

So It Begins...

OK, your prob wondering who I am? lol

Well for the past 5 months Ive been playing xbox360 pretty much non stop. I live in north England and this morning reached 15000 gamerscore on the 360. I have now decided to launch the official task of reaching 100k gamerscore sometime within the end of this year (2009).

Hope to make some cool friends along the way and will be more than happy to add anyone to my xbox360 friends list. Obviously this is going to be a "legal" task so I will be adhering to gain as many of the achievements as possible while connected to Xbox Live.

Want to be part of the journey? Well pop along to my website Http://, where you may see me on the live webcam or in the games room (still being built). The website is not finished as i have to find time to build it, play games and work at the same time.

Hoping to stream some live events of new games once the room is finished. It will boast 2, 32" High Definition LCD TV's, 4 Pyromat gaming chairs, mini fridge, and a nice surround sound system. All hopefully completed by March.

That's about it for now,

Happy Gaming All